Is it possible to have baby fever when you are already pregnant? We have 24 days until our due date and I am dyyyyyying to meet him – it’s driving me crazy! I can’t wait to hold him in my arms, smell that baby smell, for his little hands to grasp my finger, and to see those tiny itty bitty feet – eeeeeek!
Almost NOTHING fits at this point, and I’ve mostly been living in Ty’s t-shirts, but I am loving this dress from Pink Blush (click on my pic to buy)! It will even be perfect for nursing after the little guy is here!
I’m down to my last 7 shifts at work and it is a STRUGGLE! How late into your pregnancies did you work?? We saw almost 80 patients today and I am so spent!! I have the next two days off and all I want to do is relax, but I have a few things I want to get done in case the baby makes an early debut. First on that list is packing my go bag. Let me know if you have any recommendations!
This week has been pretty eventful. At my OB visit I was worried because I hadn’t felt the baby moving as much and we found out my amniotic fluid is on the low side. Not low enough to officially call it oligohydramnios (the fancy medical term) but very close, and definitely something my doctor wants to keep an eye on. I have been drinking water and Gatorade like a champ. Even though hydrating won’t necessarily improve things I figured it wouldn’t hurt! He has been moving a lot more over the past few days though so I am pretty reassured. I have my next appointment in two days so we will see how things are going!
He is still measuring BIG and last week his head was already 9.2 cm – he definitely gets that from his daddy! I have a feeling this little man is going to be Ty’s twin. We already know he has a matching little chin dimple from his ultrasound!
Something also tells me he is going to come early, or maybe I am just hopeful haha, but we had some friends help us install the car seat this week. Having it in my car makes it feel SO much more real for some reason! I can’t believe how close it is to him being here, and I am trying my best to not wish away these last few weeks since I know I will never ever get this time back…but I am so excited to be a mama!
It’s so close!
I had low amniotic fluid the last week of my pregnancy. And the day after my due date they decided I needed a c-section, baby was having late decelerations (and I was at 0 dilation) Idk if the low amniotic fluid had any role w/the late decelerations baby was having. Anywho I hope your little one arrives safely and soon! Those last few weeks seem to always drag on.
Thanks so much for your message! I’m so glad your little one arrived safely! Our little Mason arrived October 4th and is such a blessing! I’ll have a post about his birth story up soon! xo